When Do You Usually Go Into Labor With 3rd Baby

Susannah Birch is a certified birth doula, journalist, and owner of Trimester Talk, a leading pregnancy website.


Things to Know Before Inducing Labor Naturally

  • Natural induction should only be a helping hand. You want the method to be gentle enough that you won't go into labor if your body isn't ready. Induction is not recommended before 39-40 weeks. If you do try to induce before then, chances are it won't work anyway.
  • Don't stress about being overdue. First-time pregnancies are up to 80% more likely to go beyond the due date and you are not officially "overdue" until 42 weeks. Even then, a doctor cannot legally induce labor without your permission.
  • Do your own research. Make sure you know the risks and are taking the correct amount of any herbal product. Don't overstrain yourself with labor-inducing exercises.
  • If you aren't sure, talk to your doctor. This is especially true if your pregnancy has been complicated or is considered high-risk.

Good luck with natural induction. Hopefully you'll be meeting your gorgeous new addition very soon!

Past Your Due Date? Top Ten Ways to Induce Labor Naturally.

Method Week to Start How to Use it Safely

1. Red raspberry leaf tea


Make a tea and sip, or take in pill form.

2. Evening primrose oil

35 weeks orally, 38 weeks internally

Consult your doctor or midwife before using as complications can occur.

3. Acupressure


Make sure your acupressurist has experience working with pregnant women.

4. Bananas


Eat in moderation to assist with uterine contractions. Do not take potassium supplements.

5. Basil


Stimulates blood flow to the uterus when added to food.

6. Borage seed oil capsules


Can be inserted vaginally. The oil can also be used to massage the perineum.

7. Bouncing on exercise ball


Find a comfortable position and bounce to bring the baby's head into position.

8. Walking


Walk on a level path or up and down stairs to bring the baby into position.,

9. Castor oil


With the support of your doctor or midwife, take castor oil orally when induction is medically necessary.

10. Black and blue cohosh


Take these herbs together in a tincture with the support of your doctor or midwife to strengthen contractions.

Getting Labor Started at 34 Weeks

1. Red Raspberry Leaf - Taken either as a tea or pill, red raspberry leaf can be taken at about 34 weeks. Opinion is divided as to whether it will start labor, but it definitely strengthens the uterus, leading to a (hopefully) shorter labor, because each contraction is more productive. It has been shown in one study to shorten the pushing stage of labor.


When Induction Is Medically Necessary: Evening Primrose Oil at 35-38 Weeks

2. Evening primrose oil - Can be taken orally from 35 weeks or used internally from 38 weeks. If you decide to go with the second route, I would recommend doing it at night and using a pantyliner. However, keep in mind that evening primrose oil does present risks, so do your own research. Some medical information warns against using this supplement during pregnancy. While evening primrose oil is commonly used by midwives to hasten and ease labor, studies question its effectiveness and warn that its use may lead to ruptured membranes and other complications.


Starting at 39 Weeks: Foods and Gentle Induction Methods

3. Acupressure - In addition to alleviating morning sickness and stopping bleeding or spotting in the early months of pregnancy, acupressure massages can also induce labor. Before using though, you'll want to make sure that your acupressurist has experience working with pregnant women. Typically, there are acupressure points in the ankles and in the webbing between your thumb and forefinger that can cause muscle contractions, including in the uterus.

4. Bananas - Bananas have lots of potassium, which is crucial to muscle contractions. So a potassium deficiency could potentially delay labor. Note that you should eat bananas in moderation and avoid taking potassium supplements as they can be poisonous when take incorrectly.

5. Basil - Basil is an emmenagogue, or an herb that stimulates blood flow to the uterus, and can stimulate menstruation. Throw some in your cooking!

6. Borage seed oil - Along with primrose oil and black currant oil, borage seed oil is a natural source of prostaglandins, fatty acids that help induce labor. Borage oil prepares the body for birth by softening the cervix and increasing the flexibility of the pelvic ligaments. With that tissue softened, labor often quickly follows because of the pressure exerted on the cervix by the baby's head.

7. Bouncing on a birth/exercise ball - Ball exercises can help turn your baby and move him or her into the birth canal. Midwives and doulas have been using this technique for years to speed up dilation and move the baby down into the pelvis. Find a comfortable position and gently bounce up and down to encourage your baby to move into position.

Read More From Wehavekids

8. Visualisation exercises - Many women swear by these. Try making a recording of yourself talking about the baby moving down and preparing to be born, or just imagine it in your mind. These are often really good to do along with relaxation exercises!

9. Walking - The bumping up and down of walking can help the baby move into the birth canal. In fact, this is one of the few ways that most doctors agree on for starting labor. If walking doesn't work, try walking up and down stairs. Lifting your legs higher as you step can help push the baby downward.

10. Yoga - Many yoga studios offer special classes for all stages of pregnancy.


11. Clary sage oil - Research shows that clary sage oil aromatherapy can help promote labor and relieve pain. In fact, it is so effective in promoting labor that its use is contraindicated at any other time during pregnancy. This method should only be used by a trained midwife or practitioner. It's not one to do by yourself as it can cause harm if used incorrectly.

12. Dates - Six dates a day in the lead-up to your due date has been shown by studies to make labor start, help with dilation, and keep labor from going too long. Plus, dates are yummy!

Induce Labor with an Exercise Ball

13. Golden seal - Golden seal's active components of hydrastatine and berberine have long been used to induce labor. It's most easily taken orally in tablet form. As it can be dangerous during pregnancy if taken incorrectly, seek professional advice before using.

14. Kneeling on all fours - A friend of a friend was told to do this. Get down on your hands and knees and swing your hips back and forth. Her waters broke just a few minutes later. Coincidence? Maybe!

15. Licorice root - Try to get the root, not the candy. You can see what the root looks like in the picture below. The root contains more licorice and usually less sugar. Like castor oil, it has a laxative effective that causes cramping in the bowls, which in turn can lead to uterine contractions.

Though not as tasty as the candy, licorice root has long been used to help labor along.

Though not as tasty as the candy, licorice root has long been used to help labor along.

Which Week to Use Natural Induction Methods


16. Massage - Find a massage therapist qualified to work with pregnant women. Many will know various points to massage to induce labor. Massage is not recommended during the early stages of pregnancy.

17. Motherwort - This is a great herb to use at the end of your pregnancy. It makes your contractions more effective, regulates the Braxton Hicks contractions, and stops false labor. Taken shortly after birth, motherwort can also calm your nerves and potentially prevent postpartum depression.

18. Nipple stimulation - Gently rub or roll the nipple to try to induce labor. The stimulation releases oxytocin, a hormone that causes contraction. The jury is still out on this method though. Some claim that it causes very strong contractions which can be dangerous. If you're concerned, some experts recommend only massaging one breast at a time, or only massaging for five minutes and then waiting to see what happens before continuing. I tried it and I had barely more than cramps! For increased stimulation, try a breast pump.

19. Pineapple - Best taken fresh and raw. Pineapples contain the enzyme bromeliad, which can soften your cervix and and bring on labor. It can also stimulate your stomach, which could also help get some contractions going. Statistically speaking, the chemicals in pineapple that are said to start labor aren't very high. It would take a lot of pineapple to get labor going.


20. Relaxation exercises - Try some relaxing music and lie back or even join a meditation class. Any of the relaxation exercises you learned in a childbirth class would work here. Tension works against labor, while letting everything go may help bring it on.

21. Sperm - If you feel up to sex, intercourse can work to get labor started. Sperm contains natural prostaglandins that release oxytocin to help soften and dilate the cervix.

22. Spicy food - A very well-known labor starter! The reason it works may be because of the upset it causes to the digestive system, which then upsets the uterus. Not highly recommended.

Spicy food is one of those "old wives tales" that turns out to be true. It can help induce labor, but perhaps only because it upsets the stomach. Not highly recommended!

Spicy food is one of those "old wives tales" that turns out to be true. It can help induce labor, but perhaps only because it upsets the stomach. Not highly recommended!

23. Squats - Doing a few of these each day often helps to move the baby down and into position. Squats use gravity to push the baby downwards, thereby jumpstarting your birth naturally.

24. Squaw Vine - Old remedy. Not sure how well it works. Can be taken during the last six weeks of pregnancy. Helps to thin and soften the cervix. Some medical information warns against using this herb during pregnancy.

25. Stretch and sweep of membranes - Your midwife or doctor can perform this simple procedure. A finger is inserted into the cervix and a gentle 'sweep' of the finger slightly separates the uterus wall and amniotic sac, sometimes leading to labor within hours or days. Some women say it's an easy, painless procedure, others find it very painful. How well it works can also depend on whether you are very far dilated or not.

26. Swimming - Relaxed swimming can help bring out the baby. Both the water and the movement help.

41-42 Weeks: Carefully Researched Use of Castor Oil or Cohosh

27. Castor oil - Statistically speaking, castor oil only works on 57% of women and causes lovely things like diarrhoea and, sometimes, vomiting. The theory is that the cramps in the bowel set off contractions. Opinion is still out as to whether castor oil causes babies to pass meconium in the womb, but most women using castor oil are overdue and babies that are overdue are more likely to pass meconium.

Warning : Please read the article linked above before using castor oil and make sure you're fully informed about how to induce safely this way.

28. Black and blue cohosh - Black and blue cohosh are two different herbs that, when taken together as a tincture, can help induce and regulate contractions. Some midwives use it during labor to strengthen uterine contractions. There have been some studies that claim the herbs have bad side effects for mother and/or baby, however. I'd recommend further research first, about how black and blue cohosh works and the risks of using it. If you decide to use cohosh, make sure you don't take anymore than the manufacturer recommends.

More Natural Ways to Help You Go Into Labor

While the above methods have the most science behind them, there are still a number of natural induction methods that some mothers swear by. While some of them may be "old wives' tales," they certainly can't hurt to try. So if you're overdue and want that baby out, ask your midwife or doctor about trying these methods.

29. A bumpy car ride - Sometimes the baby just needs a little bit of jiggling to get into the correct position.

30. Chinese food - Not sure why, but some people have claimed this works. Or maybe they just ate Chinese food all the time anyway, so they thought it was responsible for the onset of labor. Either way, it's worth a try!

31. Balsamic Vinegar - According to the What to Expect book, balsamic vinegar can help bring on labor. However, it might not work until you're already dilated. Add a dash to your salad. Definitely won't hurt to try!


32. Dancing - Don't do anything too drastic; pole dancing might be a bit much! But if you get in there and swing your hips around a lot, there's a chance baby might think about coming out.

33. Mandarin Oil - I had a friend who was told that rubbing mandarin oil on her heels would send her into labor. It didn't work for her, but it might for you!

34. Quinine - Be sure to check the dosage with a medical professional. Reputedly, it releases oxytocin, which can help bring on labor.

35. Eggplant - A lot of people swear by eggplant parmagiana. Again, it's delicious and good for you, so go ahead and eat as much as you'd like!


36. Swinging on a swing - Similar to a bumpy car ride but probably a bit easier on the mother.

37. Orgasms - Orgasms cause contractions, which is one of the reasons they feel so good. It's also why many women enjoy orgasms more during pregnancy! You can try this method alone or with a partner . . . whatever you're comfortable with.

48. Thyme tea - Reportedly, thyme tea can cause stimulate contractions, sending you into labor.

39. A glass of wine - Wine helps release oxytocin, one of the hormones that signals the body to go into labor. However remember that drinking during pregnancy is NOT recommended. Check with your doctor first.

40. Skipping/galloping - You might feel a bit self-conscious skipping around your house or neighborhood, but it works according to the same mechanism that walking does. It uses gravity to help get the baby into position.

Thank You for Reading!

Please note that I am a work-at-home mum who makes a living writing online. If you're planning to copy this article elsewhere, please take a moment to link back to it. If you are not seeing this article on WeHaveKids.com, then the article is in breach of copyright and you may be at risk of having a DMCA filed against you or the site where it is posted. I've had to post this due to the number of people reposting my content without any attribution. Thank you for understanding.

Sources Cited

  1. Tiran, Denise "Can raspberry leaf tea help to ease labour?" Babycentre.co.uk Retreived from https://www.babycentre.co.uk/x545986/can-raspberry-leaf-tea-help-to-ease-labour
  2. "Evening Primrose Oil" WebMD.com Retrieved from https://www.webmd.com/vitamins-supplements/ingredientmono-1006-evening%20primrose%20oil.aspx?activeingredientid=1006
  3. Dove D. & Johnson P., (1999 May-Jun) "Oral evening primrose oil: its effect on length of pregnancy and selected intrapartum outcomes in low-risk nulliparous women." Journal of Nurse Midwifery 44(3):320-4 Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10380450
  4. Al-Kuran O, Al-Mehaisen L, Bawadi H, Beitawi S & Amarin Z., (2011) "The effect of late pregnancy consumption of date fruit on labour and delivery." Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 31(1):29-31. doi: 10.3109/01443615.2010.522267 Retreived from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21280989
  5. "Squawvine" WebMD.com Retrieved from https://www.webmd.com/vitamins-supplements/ingredientmono-745-SQUAWVINE.aspx?activeIngredientId=745&activeIngredientName=SQUAWVINE
  6. Brooks, Dominique W. "Black and Blue Cohosh to Induce Labor" LovetoKnow Retrieved from http://herbs.lovetoknow.com/Black_and_Blue_Cohosh_to_Induce_Labor

A Helpful Article About Birth & Babies

  • How to Have a Shorter Labor
    Some natural and effective methods to decrease the length of your labor so you can meet your little one more quickly.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author's knowledge and does not substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, and/or dietary advice from a licensed health professional. Drugs, supplements, and natural remedies may have dangerous side effects. If pregnant or nursing, consult with a qualified provider on an individual basis. Seek immediate help if you are experiencing a medical emergency.

© 2010 Susannah Birch

Rose on July 28, 2020:

Hello, please i am 25 weeks pregnant and i do not want to continue with it. Whay can i do so that the pregnancy will stop. Someone should help.

Kelsey on May 21, 2020:

There ought to be a warning when suggesting Quinine as an inducer . . . Quinine has a very bad affect on ears and has been known to cause babies to be born with severe hearing loss or even deaf.

Anisa Cox on October 07, 2019:

Please do not take black or blue cohosh. There are several studies that have shown it to have unpredictable and dangerous side effects. https://evidencebasedbirth.com/evidence-taking-blu...

Always do your research and consult medical professionals before self medicating.

Carla1986 on May 07, 2019:

I'm 36wks pregnant and want to induce labor on my own. What are some recommendations??

Carls Thickens on November 20, 2018:

This is a very well thought out and informative list. I've been trying to help my wife induce naturally for a few days now and we will definitely be trying some of these methods. Although, I was pretty shocked to see the term "squ*w" for method #24. For those that don't know, this shrub often goes by the names mitchella repens or partridge berry. The term "squ*w" is a highly offensive and racist term aimed towards Native American women. I doubt whoever wrote this knew the term was racist, but now you know. Thanks for reading my comment. I hope everyone has an easy, uncomplicated delivery!

Kaylee on August 03, 2018:

With my first born I went into labor at 38 weeks simply by just by having sex with the hubby. It broke my water.

This wasn't really on there. Saying anything about sex

Stacy on May 29, 2018:

Is a baby's insides fully developed at 30 weeks

Steph on May 23, 2018:

I can't really say if any of these work or not...but I can say that there are times when I think it's important that a baby comes a little early (a week or two) I am now on baby #6 and the first 3 were early and the last 2 were not...my last 2 were 9 lbs and 9 lbs 6.4 Oz...this is something that's hard on mom and baby...mind you these two were both also born with clubbed feet which they couldn't tell me for sure if it was from them staying in there 'full term's or something else...right now I am at 35 weeks 4 days...I'm doing ok and baby is doing great...my issues...well there are a few pain factors but of course I deal with it for the health and safety of my child. I have gotten a crazy pinched nerve in my leg, a leg that tries to come out of place constantly, pubic bone separation and back problems from before pregnancy...I am hoping that little man comes a week or 2 before his due date not so much because I am uncomfortable...but because I'm worried if he goes full term he will end up running out of room.and end up with clubbed feed like my other 2...which is months worth of them wearing casts and braces and it's truly heartbreaking hearing them cry because they don't like their legs being in casts...or their legs held open all day with a bar and having to sleep that way...these things are hard on them and things my younger 2 had to go through...I just wanted to educate everyone that just because some feel the need to go into labor early doesn't make them bad parents most of the time there is a reason why besides mommy is uncomfortable...people truly need to be educated on different things that happen or can happen during pregnancy and realize that there is more than what people normally think...I've had one miscarriage (at about 3 months) and it's always hard losing a child but sometimes I feel that in the babies best interest sometimes we have to go against what the book says and treat people as individuals and not like they are just a number.

Rachel on May 12, 2018:

I'm 38 weeks pregnant

Jodi Richardson on April 30, 2018:

Im 39 weeks and have preeclampsia this whole going to the doctor every 3 days to have my blood pressure checked is driving me crazy i feel pressure on my pelvic bone that leaves something to be desired my precious angel kicks me so hard in the ribs that it hurts all the time i am over this pregnancy mind i u this is my 3rd baby but 1st girl so these i wil be trying for sure

Momma ingram on April 29, 2018:

39 weeks pregnant today, with third son... due date may 8th,2018

Tiffany on November 17, 2017:

I am 4 days from my due date and am already 3 cm diolated. My baby is just as ready to greet the world as my husband and I are. I am going to try most of these methods and see if anything works. Getting in warm shower now, thenlooking forward to making love to my husband, followed by some excersize. Unfortunately, I don't have any of the herbs they suggest so I'm going to do every thing I do have excess to. Fingers crossed, legs not

ivy on October 02, 2017:

my sister (whom I still have the absolute p l e a s u r e of living with -_-) is only two days past her due date, but we already need him out now!!! we've been doing ALL of these, and I hope it works!! (mostly because she won't stop complaining about having that child in her and we all want her to shut up) X'D wish us luck!

Zahira on October 01, 2017:

I'm 38 weeks and 4 days pregnant & I'm so ready to have my son

Lexy on September 20, 2017:

36 weeks pregnant with twins I'm soooo ready to go into labor

Chyna on August 26, 2017:

I'm 35 weeks and 4 days and want to go ahead and get stuff going. This baby is taking a toll of me...

Anonymous on August 18, 2017:

Check your spelling of the word exercise

Georgeocean becks on June 29, 2017:

Have a baby. I am like 40 weeks

Krystal on June 01, 2017:

How did you start a business writing online?

Lexis on May 23, 2017:

ill be 40 weeks in 4 days. bought a pineapple two days ago and later that night lost my plug. wanted to get it moving along now. lol. and castor oil worked for me with my first pregnancy. had her the day after taking it. but thanks for the info. :)

Laya on April 25, 2017:

There is no natural way to induce labour. Honestly, I was ready to try anything when I was overdue and nothing works. I talked to my doctor and she said there's either patience or pitocin. I suggest patience.

Ty on March 04, 2017:

38 weeks and so ready to try at least 5 or 10 out of the 40 lol

Aniisah on July 08, 2016:

The baby will come when he/she is ready. Patience is the key. And besides, induction is done when a baby is postdate. Waiting too long past the due date can be risky for the baby.

I will just advise mothers-to-be to not believe everything they read and let nature handle things. :)

Jk on January 14, 2016:

Hello there, please keep in mind that the reason it is recommended to induce the baby after 42 weeks is because there is a significant increase in the risk of a stillborn. Trust me, nobody wants anything bad to happen to your baby, especially not your doctor. I would encourage patients to have an open and honest conversation with their provider, and not assume their provider is "out to get them" by recommending induction at 41 to 42 weeks.

Jose Juan Gutierrez from Mexico City on September 17, 2015:

Great article! Many women may take advantage of reading this article.

Raghda on August 15, 2015:

It's not surprising me that fruit dates help its been Recommended in The Islamic Holy Book (The Quran). 1436years Ago .By Name Of Allah He Said(The pains of labour drove her to the trunk of a date-palm. She [Maryam] said, "Oh if only I had died before this time and was something discarded and forgotten!" A voice called out to her from under her, "Do not grieve! Your Lord has placed a small stream at your feet. Shake the trunk of the palm towards you and fresh, ripe dates will drop down onto you. Eat and drink and delight your eyes…" (Qur'an, 19:23-26)

Rikka on July 08, 2015:

I am at 41weeks today I have no doctor I am only dilated to a one I dont know what to do I need some good advice I have 3 other kids and I have never went this far in my pregnant before I scared that something may go wrong

Marie on April 24, 2015:

I'm 37 weeks now with my first baby... I'm experiencing contractions but not the intense and prolonged one. I will start to walk every morning by next week for 30 minutes which I believe is the natural way to help the labor start.

I'm so excited to meet my baby BOY anytime soon. Just give him time to prepare himself and enjoy the rest of the days in my tummy. He will come when he's ready :-)

lily mom on January 28, 2015:

Im 39 weeks n 2days and is thinking of ways to have this little girl faster.

But 100% safe and works and faster.

Marcus Morgan on December 29, 2014:

My wife just barely hit her birth date, but still the baby has not come. So we are looking for tips and things we can do to induce labor naturally. She is about ready for this baby to come out so we are trying to speed it up. This article gave us a ton of great ideas we can try, I just hope that these work. http://www.merkouris.net/facilities

Jamie on December 28, 2014:

I am only 9 weeks pregnant with my first child, but have been doing a lot of research to be well informed for when baby comes. I'm hoping I don't need to use any of these methods when my due date arrives!

intermarks on October 15, 2014:

Very interesting article. This is the most complete ways to induce natural labour I have seen so far. Thanks for sharing. Nice work.

Fanion from Norfolk, Virginia on September 26, 2014:

Hahaha! The bumpy car ride reminds me of my pregnancy.

Fanion from Norfolk, Virginia on September 26, 2014:

Hahaha! The bumpy car ride reminds me of my pregnancy.

maria on September 16, 2014:

Im 40 weeks in 5 days... ive tried all of these minus the stripping of membranes. Nothing worked.

babymama20 on September 07, 2014:

So ifi baby comes out when baby is ready then why do women go into labor before baby is ready...? I am 31 weeks and labor is going to be quick as i have been contracting and dilating

Cassidy on August 21, 2014:

I am 37 weeks pregnant and I have bacterial vaginosis which has been causing cramps all day everyday. I was wondering if that would be a reason to at least try some of these?

OnAngelsWings from Southern United States on August 18, 2014:

I have five children (which includes one set of twins that went full term) and can honestly say I have probably tried to induce labor with 75% of your list.....maybe some not on your list, too.....with absolutely no success....it's a shame, but I eggplant parmesan has become one of my favorite meals since the twins were born.

Stevie on July 14, 2014:

Will be 36 weeks Wednesday with number 3. I look and feel like I'm going to be 40 weeks. just this past Thursday I was in and had gone up 1cm dilation and 25% effacement in a week (started 1cm/25%, was 2cm/50% last check) the midwife said she would actually be surprised if I made it to 37 weeks (this at 35+1, I'm 35+5 today). I'm hoping at my appointment tomorrow they will check me again to see if there has been anything further happening.

I'm not doing anything specifically TO start labor, but man oh man...I feel like I've been in labor for 2 weeks already...doesn't help I've already lost my plug and I've just been waiting around for everything to happen...and my belly hurts soooooo bad, which happened when I couldn't feel my contractions but I was in labor the whole time with my other two...lucky me...I guess I'll be in labor the last 6 weeks of my pregnancy.... ugh...

Ken Williams on June 27, 2014:

You did a fantastic job on this hub! What an exhaustive list of natural ways to induce labour, truly a great resource.

alethia on March 03, 2014:

Im 37 weeks tomorrow 4cm and 50% come on lol man

Susannah Birch (author) from Toowoomba, Australia on February 26, 2014:

Thank you Brooke!

Many mothers take into account only their own situation, not all the variables that apply across countries, hospitals and situations.

Brooke on January 31, 2014:

Thank you so much for this! Just found this list via Pinterest and wanted to add my 2 cents. I am currently pregnant with my second child... but my first child died from an unexplained lack of oxygen (was removed from life-support after 5 days with us). I have always been a big supporter of a natural lifestyle - we do our best to eat organic, buy sustainably, and use non-toxic materials in our home. And with my first pregnancy, this came no different. I had a group of midwives and was scheduled to deliver in a hospital (but with a waterbirthing tub - yay waterbirthing!). My EDD came and went. I was encouraged not to worry.... so I didn't. I'm pretty laid back like that about most things. I went on long walks, and ate some eggplant parmesan at a famous restaurant in my town. At 41 weeks I got a little worried - but still heard stories, "oh I delivered a healthy baby at 43 weeks, just be patient". Patience I have - never once did I complain about being pregnant... in fact... I kinda enjoy it to be honest. So at 41 weeks a did a few extra things to try to get things moving. I drank the Raspberry leaf tea three times a day, went "galloping" (the neighbors thought this was hilarious!), spent hours bouncing on the birth ball, stretching my pelvis... and I even had the most painful experience of my life with a cervical sweep (I really really really do not recommend it, ladies). My midwives recommended a slow induction to begin at exactly 42 weeks. I hoped and prayed my labor would start before but alas it did not. I was monitored the entire time of my labor - there was never any indication that anything was wrong. The induction was very slow - just like natural labor, and I even got to labor in the waterbirthing tub. I had a very healthy pregnancy, no issues, no complications... never sleep on my back, no issues with BP or anything. But when my son was born, he would not breathe on his own. He was intubated immediately - however the oxygen deprivation had been too much. My labor lasted a normal amount of time for a 1st mother (10 hours or so)... and my son was 9lbs, 11oz. Big... but not huge. Healthy babies have been born which were bigger. His death came as a complete surprise to everyone who supported me. And after a few years of research, I have found that about 20-30% of stillbirths are completely unexplained. But deep down, I wondered... I've always wondered if perhaps I had induced just one week earlier things might have been "easier" and therefore better for the life of my child. I will always wonder.

So here I am, 28 weeks pregnant with my rainbow baby... a girl. And I've begun preparations (haven't started them OF COURSE.. but I've just been planning) to make sure that I don't go to 42 weeks again... and to make sure I don't have to be induced again. This time I'm going to try the cohosh and other homeopathics at the strict recommendation and regimen that my midwives suggest. I'm also going to drink more of the Raspberry leaf tea, and I've already been taking aqua-aerobics and doing yoga to ensure that my own muscles and bones are ready. I also have several acupuncturists who have been recommended, as well as prenatal massage therapists who I will absolutely use once I hit 39 weeks. However, I won't be doing any bouncing or galloping this time. From what I understand, my first child was already very very low in my pelvis. I'm concerned that maybe some of the bouncing contributed to his loss of oxygen (possible compression of some kind). I won't bounce her out, but I'll stretch her out this time.

So as you can see there are many reasons why a list like this is soooo helpful to moms out there. We're not all a bunch of impatient cry-babies who can't stand the wait. And some of us have severe reasons for why we simply WILL NOT wait. In my grief and anxiety it's so helpful even just to feel that I've tried all I can... done all I can to ensure a safe arrival of my child. Research. Empower your self, your mind, and your body. Make the best decisions you can given the information you have and know that even if you do so much... sometimes things just happen. This may be jaded of me to say, I'm sorry... but try try try is all we can ever do. This list here helps many mothers try. Thank you.

Dennis Bruckner from Salt Lake City, UT on December 21, 2013:

Chinese food?! Really!? That's amazing! I wonder what it is...maybe the MSG? Maybe something about all of the salt? Who knows!

nikkers on December 15, 2013:

To those of you saying wait and let baby cone when they are ready, my son came at 42 weeks but my daughter has a heart defect a nd i am not able to carry past 38/39 weeks so as i wish i could carry 40+ so don't bash women wanting to be done.

Michelle on November 08, 2013:

I find it really irritating that people are still touting the mantra, "the baby will come when it's ready." First, if that was true, there would never be any premies (i.e. babies who pop out before they're ready) and there would be no such thing as Sudden Fetal Death (i.e. the baby simply doesn't come out and dies in utero). Secondly, everyone is taking advice from their midwives, doctors, and nurses, and then spouting it off as their own medical knowledge. Those same people are also quick to say that "no two pregnancies are alike." Well, if that is true, then how can you pass on advice that was meant for you in your pregnancy as if it applies as a blanket rule for everyone? Not to mention, far too many pregnant women proclaim the wonders of nature like it built on a system of fairness and human morality when the opposite is in fact true. Ever see a baby rabbit's nest be dug up by a fisher cat? Or a cute little fox get bitten by a snake and die of necrosis? THAT'S nature. Nature is not a guarentee; your body is not designed to work at 100% efficiency, 100% of the time. It is designed to work as efficient as possible taking external and internal factors into account. Efficiency for me might be 70% but it might be 30% for someone else. Why do you think it is that some people can't even have children? Just because you got pregnant doesn't mean nature is going to look down favorably on you and make sure your baby survives. That's an F-ing fairytale; in real life, there are many complications and many babies and/or mothers would in fact die without modern medical intervention. But, for what it's worth, I love this list and my feeling about the whole thing is that if your doctor has said it is ok for you to try to induce naturally, after 37 weeks, then F everyone else badmouthing you and go for it.

Eric Dierker from Spring Valley, CA. U.S.A. on October 07, 2013:

My wife went for a foot massage. Had our son 24 hrs. later. We felt horrible as it was 3 wks prior to EDD. Complications arose and the Doc said it was an amazing twist of fate as the baby had to come out right away and had she not have induced catastrophe could have occurred. So I read this with curiosity and happiness.

Carrie Lee Night from Northeast United States on October 03, 2013:

Thank you for this interesting hub voted up and interesting. I had to laugh at some of the labor inducers... But I have never been pregnant so I guess you never know :) Have a great week

Majidsiko from Kenya on September 27, 2013:

Caution, quinine is actually used illegally in some countries to induce abortions, but the doses required are usually toxic to the mother too with dismal outcomes.

Another proven method is intercourse, its more the semen, it contains prostagladins that stimulate the cervix and this stimulates labor. The intercourse may also cause some inflammation which produces inflammation and prostagladin too.

Recipe Gal on September 23, 2013:

Wow! This is the most complete list of natural induction methods I have ever seen! Thanks for information.

Susannah Birch (author) from Toowoomba, Australia on July 21, 2013:

So true, Brie!

In fact, Cephalopelvic Disproportion (CPD) is so rare that it's almost unheard of in most women, bar a very limited number of ethnic groups, and even then, only in a small percentage of those. It used to be more common back when women had insufficient diets, but now it's just NOT TRUE. Ultrasounds are very often out by a pound or more.

Brie on July 20, 2013:

Turns out, induction because of a "big baby" is not necessarily needed. Unless of course for a woman of small stature. Even then it's a fine line on whether to induce or not. Most women who are told they are going to have big babies via ultrasound, actually have normal sized babies with a csection. So, the woman could have birthed vaginally. As for these techniques, your baby will come when your baby is good and ready. Enjoy pregnancy because when you're done....that's it.


Jenny R on June 15, 2013:

I thought it was interesting that walking up and down stairs was mentioned, I had never heard that before. When I was pregnant I had to constantlybwalk up and down stairs at work. I had my son at 38 weeks. I was not trying to induce labor, as I had not even reached my due date, but found this mention interesting. Even if it might have just been a coincedence.

MzBonitaIsles on June 13, 2013:

I should add that I am an overdue pregnancy. I went exactly one week overdue with my daughter who is six years old now. I am a week past my due date with my son now. Although I understand it ts tiring after so long I c't understand wanting to ind.uce without a medical reason to do so. I cannot sympathize with just wanting it to be over with. This tome us not about us. We are grown women. The children we are carrying need this tome to develop and groa. I am not saying I am perfect. I too am ready to meet my little one. But he will come when he is ready. What alot of you don't know is that the longer your baby status in the h healthier they are. Babies born before 40 weeks tend to have lower apgar scores. And if you are worried about having a large baby trust the facts-the last few weeks of the pregnancy is when your baby gains about half pound a week Two weeks =1 pound. It is not selfish to want to merry your child or to want relief from the irritants pregnancy comes with. It is selfish to force a baby before they ate ready for those reasons alone. To the women who struggle with sickness and ailments that make it hard our impossible to carry 40 weeks-good luck top you and I pray that your children are born healthy and that you are just add healthy. You have it rougher than most of us who just gripe because we are swollen and tired. I am impatiently awaiting my sons arrival. Peace!

MzBonitaIsles on June 13, 2013:

To the women who are only 37 weeks along you ladies should honestly just relax. The average length of a pregnancy is 37-42 weeks with the majority at 41+. It is wiser to go a complete 40 a weeks anyway

Meghan on June 10, 2013:

I did the cow pose, all fours, but on elbows instead of hands, for both of my babies. Both times my babies were hitting the wrong part of my cervix during contractions, and this pose makes them get into the right spot. I went from 3 -8 cm in 30 min. with my first and got my water to break with my second. I wouldn't say it induced me, but it sure helped things progress a lot faster.

A pregnant person on March 12, 2013:

I tried alot of these I'm 40wks3days, nothing worked. I do not want to even attempt castor oil, my midwife and nurses advised against it.

Adrienne on February 24, 2013:

FYI, Quinine is in tonic water.

Susannah Birch (author) from Toowoomba, Australia on December 26, 2012:

I know of local certified massage therapists who will stimulate acupressure points once women are past a certain gestation, with up to an 80% success rate within 48 hours.

I live in Australia though, so it may be different where you live.

michelle on December 26, 2012:

Interesting article. As a certified pregnancy massage therapist let me tell you I will not stimulate labor points on you. We learn them to avoid them. By all means, get a massage but not for this reason. Its unethical!

marsha on December 24, 2012:

As an OB nurse, I BEG you NOT to do the castor oil...I have seen way too many moms and babies with messed up electrolytes from this...plus those of us who are on the "receiving end " are tired of being shit upon....thanx...

Momma on December 13, 2012:

Well I'm 36 weeks today, I am 3 cm dialated lots of pressure below, sharp pains from to back my doc won't do anything but let me carry on.. So at this point I will try anything to get one more cm.

Comadrona on December 08, 2012:

As much as we would all like to think that so-called "natural induction" works, it simply does not. For every woman who has tried one or more of the above methods (and I am one of them, back in the day) where it "worked", there is another for whom it was unsuccessful. If you try to bring on labour in a woman who is 40+ weeks pregnant, 50% of the time it will happen - but it would have happened anyway - without the fear and pressure! Not to write a thesis on this but... if "natural" methods worked, there would not be the overuse of Prostaglandins and Syntocinon inductions which currently constitute the medical method. When recommending remedies to women I, as a midwife, should be aware of whether there is any proper evidence to back the claims for these remedies. For these methods there is none. In fact some "natural" methods can be downright dangerous - such as Castor Oil and the Cohoshes.

Women need to understand that the due date is merely an estimate. There is some good information now about Naegele's calculation of gestation being erroneous and that, actually, average length of pregnancy should be assumed to be 42 weeks. There is evidence to suggest that, if we left all women to begin labour naturally, the baby and the mother are as safe, or safer, than if we expose them to the cascade of intervention which occurs when medical induction does not work (which happens a lot!). If we wait until 43 completed weeks or later, one baby out of 500 may have some problems. This means we are inducing 499 women to try to prevent 1 case of distress or morbidity. This is unjustifiable.

It is my job, during labour and birth, to detect whether a baby is not coping with labour, and deal with it accordingly. It is a sad fact that pregnancy and birth are not 100% risk-free - but nothing in life is! It is a fact, also, that when a primipara (first-time mum) has a medical induction, she has a 70-80% chance of ending up with a forceps or Caesarean birth. This is an unacceptable statistic, because most women really DO NOT need induction, but to be left to go into labour under their own steam.

Many things can impact on a woman's sense of peace and well-being. They absorb the uninformed comments of "well-meaning" but dire friends and family ("haven't you had that baby yet?") or she is scared stupid by remarks from midwives or doctors whose agenda is really to have her become unsure or scared enough to agree to intervention.

I could go on, because this is a really important topic. But I will close by suggesting that any woman who is thinking of this might want to do some further research of her own, and try to trust her body's ability to birth her baby safely.

Susannah Birch (author) from Toowoomba, Australia on November 11, 2012:

Jillian I suggest you do your research (starting with the link on the castor oil point) before nay-saying it.

jillian on November 10, 2012:

WHY is castor oil on this list? 's a horrible recommendation AND not "natural" like the list has in the title! terrible.

Mary Bruckelmyer on October 14, 2012:

Don't risk your babies life or ability to nurse easily etc. Castor oil at 36 weeks is NOT recommended

Susannah Birch (author) from Toowoomba, Australia on October 14, 2012:


PLEASE wait! You still have at least four weeks to go. Babies born at 36 weeks are commonly kept in NICU for breathing problems and other complications. Your baby needs to stay inside and continue developing!

Susannah Birch (author) from Toowoomba, Australia on October 13, 2012:

Katie, I do agree that many women take it without checking the correct method.

I've written an in depth article on it here: https://wehavekids.com/having-baby/Castor-Oil-Labo...

Katie on October 12, 2012:

Please! I am begging readers not to use Caster Oil! My nursing instructor while I was in school had so many horror stories about women taking this and losing their babies or having a very difficult labor. :-( Better to just skip that recommendation. Plus who wants all of those side effects while in labor (if it works)?

mommy2012 on October 03, 2012:

you have some really good ideas and I'm happy how you have them laid out, most of the websites I have visited haven't been much help. even tho yours helps the most i have to say that you should have a little more detail. like how long should we be on all fours, swinging our hips? how much licorice should we eat.... stuff like that. just thought I'd just throw in my opinion, simply because i ran into the problem of having no idea what i was doing. thanks

lis on September 29, 2012:

Nipple stimulation worked for me!!! I was at 40 weeks, and had been drinking rasp. leaf tea a few times a day for a few weeks (when I remembered to). THEY WERE CRAZY STRONG contractions though. Hard fast and immediate. My baby girl was born 1 hr and 50 minutes after they started! I'd say this absolutely works. My first was 12 hours.

Ben'sMom on September 06, 2012:

Wow. I'm seeing women here who are trying as early as 34 weeks for no apparent reason other than impatience. I'm waiting for my baby too and I get it, but really? Unless there is some serious medical need to have the baby early, don't. Your baby is taking advantage of every day he or she has in there to grow stronger, smarter and healthier. If you think about it, you can't really mean to take that time away from them.

Kring on August 31, 2012:

My first was over two weeks late - I was intenté on having a natural birth. So I tried so many of these - walking, the herbe and teas mentioned above, massage, reflexology, yoga (yes at 9 months I couldn't get out of the splits - it was embarrassing)...I tried it all. My lovely husband, knowing how controlling I am, told me to clean the whole house and my office top to bottom (he typically does all of the cleaning). I cleaned for 14 hours, throwing out files, vaccuuming, going through drawers, donating bags and bags of stuff. That night I went into labor. Sometimes, it's just about being ready I guess.

BrigidJ on August 24, 2012:

I drank rasperry tea and that seemed to bring on my second one

Becca on August 17, 2012:

I did several of these once I hit full term. At 39 weeks my doctor was surprised I hadn't gone into labor yet (everything was developing and pointing in that direction) so she offered to sweep the membrane. I guess lucky for others who said it didn't hurt because it most definitely hurt me! But, a few hours later my water broke and 12 hours after that my daughter was born :-) We'll see what works for #2 in about a month!

Nicole on August 13, 2012:

This site is full of great tips! I remember with my first, pineapple, sex and loadddds of walking sent me right into labor at 39 weeks. Also, the other thing that I noticed that helped was my yoga ball. It sounds weird but I would take about a half hour a night to just bounce on it. I'm now 34 weeks & I'm exhausted, but I won't pursue inducing myself until 36 weeks.

I am skeptical though about the castor oil. I tried it at 37 weeks with my first but ended up vomiting about 5 seconds after I took it. Lol maybe I have a weak stomach!

Sarah-Ann on August 02, 2012:

With my 1st i started slow labour at 32 weeks, so i avoided anything that may encourage labour to speed up in anyway. Once i hit 38weeks the midwife informed me i was 3cm dilated and labour could kick off and become active labour any day now.. I had only had Braxton Hicks contractions, and they would come randomly and sometimes only every few days. She said try taking relaxing walks, or even sex as the sperm contains a hormone also found in the gell they use to induce, But sperm isn't as strong, and natural.. Providing your waters are not broken sex is perfectly fine!

So 38 weeks we started having sex every night :) Was great because i really missed being able to do it worry free, when i was 38 weeks, 5 days we had finished sex around 11pm, laying in bed cuddling i randomly got up bolted into the bathroom and vomited... 1st time i had ever thrown up during that pregnancy.. I felt fine, so we went to bed. I was rudely awoken at 7:30am on the dot by a pain... I thought another day of braxton hicks, but no they became regular and where 5mins apart :) I had my daughter 9hrs 45mins after the 1st pain i felt!

Im now 38 weeks pregnant with our 2nd. Im unsure if im dilated, i havn't really been seen or checked by midwifes often, they are so sure everything is perfect and that im low risk they aren't to bothered. So we are now going to start getting onto having sex every night in hopes to soften the cervix or something for bub when its ready :)

Ive had painful braxton hicks for a few weeks now, lost a huge plug at 28 weeks, then recently been losing a creamy mucus one bit had the tiniest bit of brown (old) blood in it. So im super excited that 14 days from my due date and i know my body is doing what its ment too. If i get a few days from 40 weeks, i may try some other methods, walking, or pineapple sounds yummy :) But not really to fussed. Im convinced sex works (providing that your baby is ready) :)

Susannah Birch (author) from Toowoomba, Australia on July 17, 2012:

Thankyou Lia. Will change the wording when back on my computer. My main point was that you should see a massage therapist experienced with and set up for pregnant women.

Lia on July 17, 2012:

Your comment about massage is true, in that they can work pressure points to help induce labor. However, as a registered massage therapist, I know that there is no danger in a pregnant woman being massaged throughout her pregnancy. In fact it is recommended that women receive massage throughout to help with their changing bodies, backache, headaches, sore/swollen feet, changes in posture, and overall health!

Lauren on July 02, 2012:

Also for my first baby I was on my second fresh pineapple when my strong contractions started. I have been told for my second and the rest they will definitely induce me at 37/38 weeks as I don`t want another huge baby.

Lauren on July 02, 2012:

My first baby was 10lb 4.5oz and arrived at 42 weeks pregnant so if I ever get pregnant again I will most definitely be trying most of these! Those against trying to trigger your own labour; it is fine to do so and I am pretty sure you would if you habe ever had a 10lb baby and a bad birth the way I did. As it is more likely I will probably have another huge one but my Midwife, Health Visitor and also GP recommend to do this obviously by being monitered.

bob on June 30, 2012:

very interesting hub!

Karen on June 28, 2012:

I am 35 weeks and 2 days, I have been to hospital for a growth scan today because i was measuring small for how many weeks i am. Apparently because i had 2 smaller babies previous 6lb 3oz and 6lb 10oz it might mean this baby probably wont be very big either. I am going back again in 3 weeks for another growth scan to see if he has grown at all. He is doing so much wriggling about and sometimes it is quite uncomfortable I am just ready now for him to be born. My 2 daughters were both born 4 days early so i hope this one is ready soon although we did help things along a bit. Both times sex seemed to do the trick unless it was just a coincidence. That was 10 and 14 years ago though so who knows what will happen. Good luck to all you mums to be.

Randi on June 25, 2012:

I will b 38 weeks on Wednesday. at my last drs appt they told me my baby girl was at 8 1/2 lbs! and i am 2cm dilated. I have gestational diabetes and they really don't want her to get any bigger! my first one was 9lbs 8.8 oz my second was 9lbs 0.3 oz. my dr told me he would like to see me go into labor this week. if not i will be educed on the 2nd of July. so im gonna try some of these after Wednesday cant wait to see if they work!

Chyan on June 20, 2012:

Im 36 weeks and 1 day! Im in pain all the time my hips and back KILL me! But the last two days Ive been very uncomfortable really bad pains in my lower belly (they don't last long but they are intense) and I just feel alot of pressure on my tummy )= should I go to the hospital or just wait it out? (and don't say lay on my left side because that hurts even more) lol

Christine on June 11, 2012:

@Concerned- in response to your comments to the Labour Nurse. Yes, technically a baby is considered full term at 37 weeks. However, there has recently been a big push (by many reputable medical groups/organizations), based on new, quality research, to redefine the definition of "full term" to 39-41 weeks, or at least revise the definitions and rename the period from 37 to 39 weeks as "early term." This is done because risks of complications/needed interventions (and even infant mortality) are still higher for those infants. Yes, most babies born at 37 weeks do just fine. And if a woman goes into labour naturally, they'll let her go. But when talking about induction, the higher risks likely make it worth while to wait until at least 39 weeks (or longer) in uncomplicated, purely elective cases. Which can include some of our very uncomfortable ones (I know- I am 37 weeks now, I get it!).

But I would also like to correct some of the facts that you have wrong. Babies are not simply "fully developed at 37 weeks, only gaining or losing weight after that." Those cute little buggers still have further lung development, muscle growth, fat storage, and brain growth and development to do in those last couple of weeks. Mom continues to pass on antibodies which will help protect baby. And that's just the stuff we know about. Those extra couple weeks can make a big difference. I think it can be good for us to acknowledge that, especially when we are getting to this last tough stretch.

MamaCat on June 11, 2012:

I'm a none judgemental person, so I have no beefs against the mothers who want to induce labor in the early 30s mark, I think it's smarter to wait but it's not my place to decide for you, that's YOUR CHOICE. I'm currently 4days from 40 weeks and I'm trying to do things as natural as I can, I'm in no hurry to rush my daughter out but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't ready, but it's not wether I'm ready that matters to me... I want her to be ready. I'm trying to avoid being medically induced so once I hit the 40 mark I will try to NATURALLY iinduce and if she agrees its time great if not, well it was worth the try. I always knew if I ever got pregnant it wouldn't be easy, I mean come on! Your giving life to someone, it's gonna be at least a little dificult. Good luck to all of the mothers out there it's almost over for us!

L on June 08, 2012:

Day at the Spa, relax and enjoy it's my calm before the storm. After a full day at the spa with my first (massage, facial, ped/man) I started labour that night! Good luck ladies.

b on June 07, 2012:

When I was pregnant with my son it was horriable could not eat or drink anything without getting heartburn. But I toughed it out but I ended up going in a week early. The night before I went to the hospital I cleaned my house. Had a carpeted living room vacum was broken so I swept it with a broom took a rest drank a cup of reg. Red rose tea then swept and mopped the rest of the house. When my boyfriend got home from working nights we had sex and went to bed at 330 am got woken up 4 hrs later with cramps tried to sleep longer thinking it was BH went to hospital late that night my son was born 8 lb .3 oz it was my first child am currently pregnant with second at 34 weeks and baby is down sitting very low and having slight contractions and a lot of back pain for 3 days now. It's up to the baby when they want to come I had no clue aboutf induction when I had my first but I guess sex and sperm and cleaning worked for me.

Stephanie on June 05, 2012:

I am 37 weeks and 3 days....I AM SO FRUSTRATED AND READY TO GO!!! i have been to the er/triage 2 times this week with contractions back to back first they sent me home b/c i wasn't dialated and then the 2nd time i was only 1 cm every little thing is irritating me and my lower back is killing me i want to freakin scream

ProudTeenMama on June 03, 2012:


I will be 36 weeks on Tuesday. The baby's weight and growth are at 39 weeks. I have had horrible back pain, contractions and my mucous plug is still coming out. My spine is being deformed from how big my son is. Before i got pregnant i was only 100 lbs even. Im only 5 feet. tall. I now weigh almost 150 which is over weight according to my mid wife. What can i do to comfortably induce my labor in maybe about a week.?

Jesse b on June 03, 2012:

All of these to a certain degree are useless if you're not ready to go into labour some of them also carry risks which you should definitely weigh up. Do you want to risk your baby beig poorly just to try and get them out 1 week sooner? Although there are also plenty of harmless suggestions too and at least by doing something you might feel a bit better than you would if you were just sat around waiting. My first baby was fully engaged from 34 weeks from me walking around so much at work and stayed there until 40+2. I had to have a growth scan and two sweeps prior to this because they were concerned that he was going to get too big to come out naturally otherwise and they didn't work even though I was 2-3cm dilated for weeks before my due date. I had sex in the morning then wet shopping in the Xmas sales on the day I went into labour. I went into labour in the evening and my son was born 4 hour later. This time I'm now 38+3 and having a sweep next week to try and encourage her out due to several health problems that I have. Hopefully it'll work but I'm not holding my breath. You're all adults and can choose whatever methods you like to try and get your babies out but just remember to really think about the pros and cons and research the methods that you use first. good luck!

Amanda on May 20, 2012:

i am 37 weeks prego and i am in more pain than i ever was with my son even during labor i really just want to have my lil girl already and none of these methods are working and im also having breathing problems now i don't know what to do any sugestions???

Jaime on May 18, 2012:

Sounds like labor nurse has never been pregnant

GarrettsMommy on May 17, 2012:

Bouncing on the exercise ball is how i started my labor!!

Concerned on May 15, 2012:

Ok people, a full 2 oz bottle of castor oil is not going to hurt you as long as you drink LOTS of water. Otherwise you will get dehydrated and that can be dangerous. It will just give you the nasty runs make you very sick and probably vomit and like anything that gives you the diarrhea you need to drink lots of water and electrolytes.

AND Labour Nurse, you need to check your facts. The March of Dimes is not a reliable criteria to base your facts on. Try the Mayo Clinic or some other reputable research medical centre. A baby is considered full term and fully developed at 37 weeks, only gaining or losing weight after that - depending on the state of the placenta which begins to age in most mothers at 34 weeks. Ischemic bowel is a problem usually caused by a hernia in the infant due to low birth weight, not a problem caused by delivering at 36-37 weeks. All of the ailments you mentioned are most common in preterm babies born before 35 weeks with often more factors present.

I DO agree however that if your pregnancy has been event free to just be patient, be lazy, relax and wait. All these induction techniques are just ways to torture yourself until your baby is ready. If you look into it you may discover that there is a theory that the baby releases hormones that are thought to start labour due to the baby running out of room in the uterus. You will also find that a lot of women that have tried these technique have suffered and have not gone into labour. Some also have, but they may have already been dilated or effaced a good bit, already having contractions but not feeling hard enough to believe it was more than Braxton Hicks(I had what I thought were Braxton Hicks for 5 hours right up until my baby's head came out). Anyway, jogging is NOT recommended in the last month of pregnancy. You could jar the placenta and cause internal bleeding which can be catostrophic. I also worry about all of you. Relax and be thankful you are having a healthy pregnancy. I am not, I am being sectioned for a breach baby and a placental abruption and have been on bed rest for the last 6 weeks to get my baby to 37 weeks.

Susannah Birch (author) from Toowoomba, Australia on May 13, 2012:

Shan, your comment has been removed due to dangerous recommendations. Drinking an entire bottle of castor oil IS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS AND STUPID.

mouse on May 13, 2012:

Um in my 40th week n I'm ready to have my lily girl already

Ithink I'm gonna try having sex hopefully it works cause I'm anxious to see my baby.

jzmommy on May 07, 2012:

Nipple stimultion got things going for me it just has o be done for a while or the contractions will stop. I do warn you the contractions are quite painful with this method, but it is one thing that worked for me, I'm 38 weeks and wanted to share I didn't do the stimulation long enough but I know it will work if I had my hubby continue for longer. Just a suggestion if no one has tried it yet ;)

Jason on May 06, 2012:

Nice to rear all these comments about what women like my wife are going through, especially those min my wife's condition. It would be nice to see what the end result was if you would just log back in after the baby was born, state your remedy or final steps and the outcome of the births. Ranting and raving is great, wish there was a medical professional on here to make suggestions.

When Do You Usually Go Into Labor With 3rd Baby

Source: https://wehavekids.com/having-baby/Ways-to-induce-Labour-Naturally

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